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Customer Experience

Journey Mapping Methodology: We use a proprietary framework to map customer journeys,

examining different dimensions like actions, thoughts, emotions, pain points and moments of truth. Our journey maps crystallize the end-to-end experience while revealing key insights.

Persona Development: We not only create detailed fictional personas representing core customer segments, but also validate and enrich them through qualitative customer research. These personas help humanize the customer’s experience and needs.

Usability Testing: Whether for websites, mobile apps or other products, we conduct systematic usability tests to uncover issues and collect qualitative feedback directly from users. Our in-house usability lab allows quick iterations.

Customer Advisory Boards: We help clients put together customer advisory boards and councils to enable ongoing dialogue with users and inform experience improvements with direct voice-of-customer input.

Customer Feedback Channels: Analyzing feedback from sources like social media, app store reviews, support calls and chat transcripts provides insights into customers’ real-time interactions and perceptions.

Customer Experience Governance: We help clients define customer experience KPIs, create cross-functional CX councils, and implement governance models to continually align experiences to customer needs across the organization.

CX Design Sprints: We conduct accelerated design sprints to quickly diagnose experience issues, ideate solutions and prototyped/test new concepts from the lens of user experience.

Customer Experience Training: Through immersive workshops and design thinking exercises, we train client teams on customer-centricity, journey mapping, developing empathy and orchestrating seamless experiences.