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Assessment centers and capability building

At Savvy, we understand the critical role of human capital in driving successful digital transformations. Therefore, we offer comprehensive services around assessment centers and capability building, designed to equip your organization with the necessary skills and competencies for the digital age.

Assessment Centers: Our assessment centers provide a robust mechanism for evaluating the current capabilities of your team. We employ a variety of tools and techniques, such as role-play scenarios, group exercises, and psychometric tests, to gain a comprehensive understanding of your team’s skills, behaviors, and potential. These assessments cover a range of competencies that are critical in the digital age, including problem-solving, digital literacy, agility, collaboration, and leadership.

The insights we gather through these assessments not only help identify gaps in skills and competencies but also highlight strengths that can be built upon. Furthermore, they can be used to identify high-potential individuals who could play key roles in driving your digital transformation forward. We use a blend of traditional and innovative assessment techniques to gauge a wide array of competencies.
• Behavioral Event Interviews: These interviews help us understand how an individual has behaved in specific situations in the past, providing insights into their problem-solving abilities, leadership style, and adaptability.
• Group Exercises: These activities allow us to observe collaboration, communication, and conflict resolution skills, all crucial for operating in a fast-paced, digital environment.
• In-Tray Exercises: These simulations of real-life work situations enable us to assess an individual’s ability to prioritize tasks, manage time, and make decisions under pressure.
• Psychometric Tests: These tests help us measure aspects like cognitive abilities, personality traits, and motivational drivers, providing a comprehensive view of an individual’s potential.

Capability Building: Based on the results of our assessment centers, we design and deliver tailored capability-building programs. These programs focus on equipping your team with the skills they need for the digital age. This could include technical skills, such as data analysis or digital project management, as well as “softer” skills, like change management and digital leadership.

Our capability-building programs use a variety of learning methods, including workshops, e-learning, coaching, and on-the-job training. They are designed to be engaging and interactive, ensuring that your team not only gains new skills but is also motivated and confident to use these skills in practice. We use a strategic, comprehensive approach to skill development, focusing on both hard and soft skills.
At Savvy, we employ advanced analytical tools, like capability-building heatmaps, to provide a visual representation of existing skills and competencies within your organization. This approach greatly aids in identifying gaps and planning targeted training and development initiatives.

Creating the Capability Building Heatmap: Capability building heatmaps are created based on the data collected from our assessment centers. The heatmap is essentially a matrix, with individual capabilities listed along one axis and team members or departments along the other. Each cell in the matrix represents the level of a specific capability within a particular individual or team, color-coded according to a pre-defined scale (e.g., red for low, yellow for moderate, and green for high).

Analyzing the Heatmap: The heatmap provides an at-a-glance view of capabilities across your organization. Patterns in the heatmap can indicate:

1. Areas of Strength: These are capabilities that are well-represented across your organization, indicated by a predominance of green cells. These strengths can be leveraged in your digital transformation strategy.
2. Areas for Improvement: These are capabilities that are lacking or inconsistent across your organization, shown by a prevalence of red or yellow cells. These areas are prime targets for capability-building initiatives.
3. Inconsistencies: These could be capabilities that are strong in some teams but weak in others. Such discrepancies might suggest a need for internal knowledge-sharing or cross-training initiatives.

Informing Capability Building Initiatives: The insights gathered from the heatmap directly inform our capability-building programs. For areas of improvement, we design targeted training programs to elevate these skills. For areas of strength, we might focus on providing advanced training or creating opportunities for those with these skills to mentor others.

Ongoing Monitoring and Analysis: Capability building is an ongoing process, so we continually update the heatmap based on regular reassessments. This allows us to track progress over time, adjust training programs as needed, and identify new areas for development as your digital transformation evolves.

At Savvy, we also understand that capability building is not a one-off activity, but an ongoing process. Therefore, we help you establish mechanisms for continuous learning and development, such as regular skills assessments, learning communities, and a culture that encourages experimentation and learning from failure.

Once we have a clear picture of your current culture, we work with you to define a new, desired culture that supports your digital ambitions. This might involve fostering a culture of innovation, encouraging a more data-driven approach to decision-making, or promoting greater collaboration and agility.

However, defining a new culture is only the first step. The real challenge lies in making this cultural shift happen. At Savvy, we use a range of strategies to facilitate cultural change. This includes communication and engagement activities to build understanding and buy-in for the change, training and development programs to equip your people with the skills they need in the digital age, and leadership activities to ensure your leaders are modeling the desired behaviors and driving the change forward.

We also recognize that cultural change is not a one-off project—it’s an ongoing process. We therefore work with you to establish mechanisms for continuously monitoring and adjusting your culture as needed. This might involve regular culture surveys, feedback sessions, or adjustments to performance metrics and rewards.

At Savvy, we believe that managing cultural change is a critical component of digital transformation. By focusing not just on technology, but also on people and culture, we help ensure that your digital transformation efforts deliver sustainable, long-term success.

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